Meet the Team

Simon Allison – Founder and Artistic Director
As the founder and artistic director of Drama Express Simon has combined his two great passions in life, the performing arts and working with people who have SEN needs.Simon’s career in the arts began as a performance poet touring the Manchester comedy circuit. The following years saw him write screenplays for television and publish books of comic verse.
Simon has worked for the charity Sense for over twenty years managing services for young people with Deafblindness. Additionally, Simon is a board member for Deafblind International and leads the Deafblind International youth network. Simon’s play about Deafblind Activist Helen Keller toured Australia, Eastern Europe, Ireland, and the UK.
As ‘in house’ writer for Drama Express Simon is immensely proud about the talents and enthusiasm of the young people. He is passionate about the inclusion in arts and ensuring that regardless of disability everyone has the right to express themselves creatively.
Simon is the Safeguarding lead officer for Drama Express, working as a training officer in child and adult protection.

Emma Allison – General Operations Manager
Emma's role involves the day to day running of Drama Express. Emma's extensive knowledge in youth work ensures sustainability of Drama Express within the competitive charity sector. Emma's skills base includes coordinating workshops / live performances, delivery of quality assurance / compliance / governance, management of young person / volunteer membership and marketing / promotion through social media. Emma also manages production of Drama Express shows from initial planning to stage delivery.Emma is the DSL (designated safeguarding lead) for Drama Express.

Storme Toolis – Patron
Storme first appeared on film in Chanel 4’s The Inbetweeners and in the Inbetweeners movie. Storme then joined the cast of New Tricks. For this role Storme was described as “one of the few disabled actors in Britain and across the world in a mainstream drama where the disability of her character in not of the plot”.Storme took part in the Malteser series of adverts for the Paralympics. The adverts were praised for their portrayal of people with disabilities.
Storme took on the role of Josephine in the West End version of the play ‘A day in the life of Joe Egg’, staring alongside Claire Skinner and Toby Stephens.

Morwenna Banks – Patron
Morwenna has many TV credits in comedies such as the Thick of It, Red Dwarf, Shameless and in the US, Saturday Night live. The Morwenna Banks show featured numerous comedic characters created by Morwenna. The TV and Radio Show ‘absolutely’ ran for several years building a loyal fan base. Again, Morwenna played several different characters.Morwenna has also voiced over numerous animation characters for shows including Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom, Paddington and most notably Mummy pig from Peppa Pig.
In 2022 Morwenna wrote and appeared the sky TV drama, Funny Woman’.